Warriors of Wildlife NPC & Simbonga Reserve have combined to create a unique facility catering to the needs tourists who just want a break but wish to learn about the plight of abused wild animals and the work that goes into rescuing and relocating them and also volunteers who want to get the complete all round experience of caring for the rescued wildlife and also learn about the indigenous fauna and flora.
Warriors of Wildlife have already rescued and relocated 41 lions and a tiger from Ukraine to South Africa and 2 white lions from a closed down park in the Eastern Cape. The 14 lions and tiger Gina may be viewed by appointment only as the sanctuary area is not open for public access.
Our website is still under construction and we are adding more content daily but you may read more and see amazing photos about Simbonga and Warriors of Wildlife at the following links:
WOW Website - www.wowukraine.org
Simbonga - www.facebook.com/simbongagamefarm
Warriors of Wildlife - www.facebook.com/wowukr